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MALTA - Tour


  • 7 Nights 8 Days
£ 899View Details


A rich cultural history, opportunities for scuba diving, ancient temples and secret coves make Malta a highly coveted holiday destination. Elegant cliffs display intricate fossils in the manner of works of art. Situated in the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta boasts glorious weather and is ideal for watersports and beach combing. Majestic fishing boats hint at the past with their prows adorned with paintings of eyes that echo of Malta's rich cultural past.

The food combines Sicilian and Middle Eastern influences to an unusual and delicious result. There are temples to explore, museums to visit and even a vast 500 year old necropolis, Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. The perfect combination of cutting-edge modernity and tranquil pockets of unspoilt natural beauty, this popular destination makes the ideal location for your singles holiday.


The island of Malta located south of Sicily, nestled between Europe and North Africa enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with an average year round temperature of around 23 degrees Celsius during the day.

Spring is often heralded as the best time to visit as the temperature is not overbearing, but comfortable and great for if you’re planning on hiking the coastline or for sightseeing, rainfall is also low during this time of year. If you’re looking for endless hours of scorchio sunshine, then Summer is the perfect time to visit, as the months June through to September see relatively no rainfall. Autumn, especially November, sees slightly more rainfall, so is a nice time of the year to visit, as the landscape is lush and green, ideal for walks and taking in the scenery, and the month still gets an average of eight hours of sunshine a day, so don’t let the rain put you off planning a trip. 

Malta’s Winters are mild making it the perfect destination for escaping the winter blues, with temperatures often hitting the high teens.  



The people of Malta are known to be a little more reserved then their Mediterranean neighbours, however just as hospitable and welcoming. Tourism makes up a large part of their economy, so they are always happy to help and talk to travellers, in addition to being friendly, generous and largely happy in nature.

Maltese’s approach to life is to enjoy and celebrate it as much as possible. So it’s only to be expected that the nightlife on the island is bustling, with excellent clubs to experience, magnificent wine bars and top notch restaurants, serving up wonderful cuisine.


Don’t be put off if voices are raised when having conversations with people from Malta, discussion can be much louder than in other parts of Europe, so what may sound like shouting or the start of an argument, could just be a normal conversation, so there’s no need for concern.

Be respectful towards Maltese’s traditions by covering up when away from the beach and dressing with the correct attire when visiting religious sites and churches.

Tipping: Where there isn’t a service charge already applied, tipping is expected in Malta. At restaurants, it is customary to tip between 5% - 10%, and if you are extremely satisfied with the service you received, you can always tip extra at your discretion, of course. When ordering a drink at the bar, it isn’t expected to tip, so don’t feel obliged.


If you’re looking to socialise whilst on holiday, it’s handy to have a few simple phrases on hand to converse with the locals.

To say hello, it’s ‘Merħba’, pronounced (Mair-ha-ba)

Good morning is ‘BonÄ¡u’, pronounced (Bon-Jew), whilst good evening is ‘Lejl it-tajjeb’, pronounced (Lay-l  it  tie-ebb)

Be sure not to forget your please and thank yous, to say thank you it’s ‘Grazzi’, pronounced (Grutzi) and please is ‘Jekk Jogħġbok’, pronounced (yekk-Yoj-Bok)

When leaving goodbye is ‘Saħħa’, pronounced (Sah-Ha-H)