18 departures
date & duration holiday & location availability price
16 departures
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30 departures
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23 departures
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15 departures
date & duration holiday & location availability price
33 departures
date & duration holiday & location availability price
16 departures
date & duration holiday & location availability price
11 departures
date & duration holiday & location availability price

Embark on unforgettable singles holidays or set sail on an exciting singles cruise, joining hundreds of like-minded solo travellers for incredible adventures around the world. Whether you're seeking sun-kissed beaches, cultural city breaks, or scenic river cruises, our carefully designed holidays offer the perfect mix of exploration, relaxation, and social connection.

Travel with ease knowing you'll be part of a welcoming group, sharing exciting experiences and creating lasting memories. From exotic destinations to European gems, each singles break, or singles cruise is designed for solo travellers to enjoy a stress-free holiday filled with fun, laughter, and new friendships.

Book your perfect getaway today and explore the world together!